Madalyn Meyers
Madalyn Meyers is a resident of the road, traveling the country with her husband, Drew, and her dog, Charlie. She is a trained ecologist, author, and advocate for everyday science communication. After receiving her Master of Science in Ecology from Penn State University, she marries her love for both science and writing in her science-oriented travel blog, Discovery Detour. When not working on her writing, you can find Madalyn practicing yoga in the great outdoors, or sharing a good meal with friends.
Madalyn’s work has been published in Bewildering Stories, Rootless Living, RV Today Magazine and ROVA.
Featured Creative Writing Pieces
By Madalyn Meyers
I stand cemented at the edge of the wood, staring down at the uncurling fiddlehead. For the first time in months, the morning air does not sting my nostrils, threatening nips of frostbite with each inhale. I force myself to expand my lungs, filling them with crisp breath like a forgotten balloon stretching to expose a web of vulnerable flesh between cracked callus…
The Nightingale
*Published by Bewildering Stories, issue 910
I can still hear the soft drum of rain as the drops bounced atop the metal rooftop. That night, I first saw Shay, hidden under the cover of dark as she twirled around my lawn, winking at the ceramic garden gnomes as she practiced pirouettes in front of her captive audience…
Work with Madalyn
Madalyn specializes in ghostwriting, blog writing, science communication, and journalism pieces, although she is always eager to take on a new challenge. If you are interested in hiring Madalyn for her writing services, if you have questions about her work, or if you would like to collaborate with Discovery Detour, please reach out.